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For Developers

Avalon Framework - Project Structure
Avalon Framework - Project Structure

by Leo Simons


Avalon Framework is not very big, codewise. It is usually quite easy to find what you need. This document provides an overview of the project structure. It is still under construction.

Package structure

|- activity
|- component
|- configuration
|- context
|- logger
|- parameters
|- service
|- thread

CVS Directory structure

|- lib : for third party libraries
|- src
|  |
|  |- compat : deprecated stuff
|  |- conf : jar manifest
|  |- documentation : cocoon configuration
|  |- java : java sources
|  |- logos : avalon logo sources
|  |- make : no idea
|  |- proposal : place for ideas to nurture
|  |- scratchpad :  place for nonsupported, unstable code
|  |- skins : cocoon configuration
|  |- test : unit tests
|  |- xdocs : site documentation in xml format
|- tools
|  |
|  |- bin : scripts to run our personal ant and cocoon copies
|  |- documentation : cocoon configuration
|  |- etc : misc stuff
|  |- ext : optional libraries used in the build process
|  |- lib : libraries used in the build process
|- build.xml
|- LICENSE.txt
|- README.txt
|- TODO.txt

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